Thursday, November 5, 2009

I haven't blogged since June - Yikes!

Well it is almost Christmas (Nov 5th today) and I realized today that it has been nearly six months since I wrote down the nuggets of wisdom I am learning in life.

At home with an arm injury I sit here thinking through what I want to say about life, love, and finding that sense of Peace we look for during the holidays.

What can I say, right now my peace comes from being tied to God and his purpose and design for my life. Does it make my life easy? Heck no. But I am beginning to learn how it makes my life have a greater sense of meaning and joy

So that is my encouragement to anyone who reads this. Find the joy in tying your shoelaces to Jesus' shoe laces and discover what that can bring in your life.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

A new facet of life's aches and pains

I continue to learn so much - thank you to all of you who share the journey with me. Over this past week I've been searching for Freedom. Hope. And a deeper understanding of who exactly is this God person in my life?! Judge. Guilt giver. Lover of my soul (what is that actually supposed to mean?) Or wellspring of hope and complete acceptance.

I am learning that as God should be, he is complex and beautiful and terrible. I should hope so! If I could understand him then my faith would be in someone no better than myself and I would be serving a mere human thinking they were capable of being an all-powerful being who could save me from pain, fear, regret, and give me what I long for. At least he's bigger than that. In that, there is much hope!

So live's aches and pains this week came in attempting to clean up my eating - yet again and succeeding and failing - yet again. I know it's like being on the same old merrie-go-round but my hope is that one day I'll get off and walk in a new way of life forever.

Derek and I are spending intimate moments together with each other (this is not going to get x-rated don't worry!) and God each morning. It's become a beautiful practice and one that I wish each and every one of you can have with a loved one or a spouse!

This week as I was trying to learn to give up my desire to have what I want when I want it Derek read these words: "What we failed to understand was that a life incapable of significant sacrifice is a life incapable of courageous action." - Urban T. Holmes III

Goodness knows I want to have a life of meaning and fulfillment and to express the courageous action that lies within me to give the world. I just didn't know that sacrifice could be a part of that puzzle piece.

So here's to understanding more about sacrifice - purposefully chosen - and intentional - as a new facet of life's aches and pains that bring us to a greater understanding of who we are meant to be so we can become.

Thanks for listening.

Warmest Regards,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pictures from the past...

I've been going through old photos of our life and found many great wonderful moments. I tried to learn how to use the picture thingy but I'm not so good at it. Just click the image if you want to see the whole thing. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to get the duplicate off! Anyway, enjoy! - Warmly, Cicilia

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Blah Days of learning you want to have a pity party

So, blah...that's how I feel today. BLAH. I've been sitting around, watching semi-poser inteligent TV pretending to work on accounting for our small business (I was a little productive) thinking about making cookies and trying to menu plan my new diet from my new personal trainer.

Derek said yesterday I must be feeling sorry for myself. Yup. Pretty acurate. I don't have any idea why. Things have been overwhelming lately. I'm homesick. Wish I didn't have to work for a living (spoiled, I know). My friend died of cancer. My sister is cancer free - thank the Lord God Almighty! I'm playing catch up at work. AND the weather is terrible - yes it went from summer to winter overnight. Yuck! I'm a little depressed because of all of it. I've had a stomach flu thing this week. Ugh. Mostly my life is terrific with many blessings, but the "wonder" this week has me "wondering" how I got off track.

Two weeks ago I forgave every single person who ever hurt me in my life. I have never felt so clean and new in my entire life. This week it is time to make ammends. I'm a little daunted I think. Scared really. So, I ran back to my old pal "food" for some "false safety" and well it's not working because it isn't something that has the power to make my life wonderful.

So, here is to being honest, learning to walk in the truth and the light, taking a good hard look inside, and loving who God made me to be. I think I'll pass on making the cookies and take a nap and get ready to go out and see my FS gals tonight.

Thanks for checking in.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pictures from the Sea

For those of you who don't know we just returned from an awesome vacation in the Carribean. Please find some pictures of the little ones in my life and the fun we had at the sea.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When the "a ha!" moment that crashes down on you...

So I had an aha moment today when the barstool at the kitchen table I was sitting on broke and I crashed to the hard cement floor. Ouch!

The epiphany went something like this: “I’m too heavy.” Simple as that. It is become life altering and physically painful (I have a giant bruise on my hip and I have to go to the chiropractor because my low back hurts and every time I move I hurt and it’s a good reminder that my behavior causes pain).

I have spent my lunch hour reaching out for support. I have this diet coach I'm supposed to get so I'm asking five women I know if they would consider being this for me.

I'll keep you posted on how this "a ha!" moment is changing my life and if it becomes one of my wonderful life secrets.

Thanks for listening.


Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm his exception...

Ok so I just got home from watching "He's just not that into you" with a bunch of wonderful girlfriends.

I cried. I can't believe me, a married woman cried while watching a dating movie. I admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic!

In the end each woman discovers she's "worth it" and each man discovers "he's worth it too".

When normally the rule is if he doesn't do x y or z then he's not that into you - you should normally be "the rule" not the "exception" except when...well - you are!

I'm his exception - Derek's and God's. The exception to the rule that says if you hurt me I'll run away or hurt you back. The rule that says objectifying me is the only way to have really hot s - e - x. The rule that says no one can love you like you deserve. Derek doesn't always love me like I deserve, but he tries and when he can't he points me to the Big Guy who can.

So I'm his exception...and yes it makes me so happy I could cry!

To all our wonderful lives!


Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's been forever...let me tell you why

Ok, ok, I know it's been a million years (ok a month and 1/2) since I posted.

So sorry! The reason is because I've been having waaaaaaay too much fun using Skype with my family and friends. For those of you who havce not ever "skyped" (is that a new verb?)it is transforming my communication with my family and friends.

For instance. Derek had a show in Kananaskis 2 weekends ago. Using the internet and skype I was able to play a game of chinese checkers with my brother-in-law in South Carolina and my sister in Colorado while chatting with my sister in Nebraska.

Crazy eh? Last night my sister and I caught up and I was able to chat with my 3 year old niece who is too cute for words. It felt like I was right in their living room sharing a nice cup of tea while we chatted.

Thank GOD for technology. I'm closer to my familiy than ever.

So there is one of my wonderful life secrets - get skype!