Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When the "a ha!" moment that crashes down on you...

So I had an aha moment today when the barstool at the kitchen table I was sitting on broke and I crashed to the hard cement floor. Ouch!

The epiphany went something like this: “I’m too heavy.” Simple as that. It is become life altering and physically painful (I have a giant bruise on my hip and I have to go to the chiropractor because my low back hurts and every time I move I hurt and it’s a good reminder that my behavior causes pain).

I have spent my lunch hour reaching out for support. I have this diet coach I'm supposed to get so I'm asking five women I know if they would consider being this for me.

I'll keep you posted on how this "a ha!" moment is changing my life and if it becomes one of my wonderful life secrets.

Thanks for listening.



Terry said...

Hey C... if you are ever looking for someone to get outside and run/walk with at lunch, let me know!!

Jonathan said...

Great post! Sometimes the "a ha" moments are harder then we would like. But a good wake up call. Keep us updated.