Friday, October 31, 2008

How to Succeed at Life

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I learned this great lesson just yesterday when I finally had peace with a situation that happened in my life when I was finally able to admit what my part was in the painful situation. I too had made a mistake and instead of staying in denial by blaming the other person and making them the "monster" I was able to achieve peace by accepting personal responsiblity for my actions.

What a breakthrough it was for me! No longer did I feel trapped. So admit the error on your part and rise up again to become the person you were destined to be.

Thank God there is such a thing as forgiveness and acceptance.


Monday, October 27, 2008

I am selfish AND loveable...What?

So, this weekend I have been discovering something new about myself. I am going through the terrible twos. "No!" I am telling the world. I want my way, I want it now, and you had BETTER give it to me. (Yes, I'm a bit embarrassed to tell the world this truth, but frankly that is what it is...the truth).

So today I read a spiritual reading which said "I am an open book. Even at a distance You know what I am thinking..." it went on to say that no matter what I do a greater force than me in the universe knows exactly what is going on, what I am doing and why AND LOVES me!

I can't help but think of my nieces Mandy and Mikayla who are in their toddler years. Learning, growing, touching, fascinated by everything in life. They are very darling and very self absorbed. For once, it is wonderful to me to know that someone great than myself looks at me the way I look at them. I adore them, I delight in their "antics" and I want very much for them to be safe and become strong healthy capable women. I know them and their selfishness and I love them. Wow! As the author of the writing said "This is too much, too wonderful for me, I can't take it in."


PS: I'm told this is just a phase (for all 3 of us) :-) Can't wait to see what I get to experience next! I'll keep you posted

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What do you do with constant pain?

I recently had a crown prepared and a false tooth cemented on top. (Last Wednesday). Ever since that day I have been in excruciating pain constantly. I didn't know what to do to manage it.

Normally when you slam a finger in the door, stub a toe, pull a muscle the pain subsides in time to a dull ache or throb. I had never experienced life with pain this constant.

It was interesting to watch me tell colleagues at work "I'm fine!" with a big smile on my face when I was exhausted inside. To watch me try and cope with being too tired to work and to come home and spend the evening resting and sleeping if I could fall asleep with the pain.

My dentist removed the false tooth yesterday (after chiding me for not seeking his help sooner) and re-cemented it after changing the chemical they use to cement the tooth. Problem solved. I am no longer in any pain and my world feels more open and free and like the sky is blue again.

If I were to do it all over again, or rather the next time constant pain comes into my life I am now pondering how I might re-act differently, more authentically. Any suggestions?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is it good or is it bad?

In Chinese the word "crisis" contains two symbols, danger & opportunity... How do you choose to deal with "crisis"? -- Jim Maclaren

Friday, October 17, 2008

The view from the 44th floor is gorgeous...until there is a fire drill!

Sooo, yesterday we had fire drill. I am lucky enough to work for a company who wants to provide nothing but the best but their employees. That means putting us at the top...literally - of our building.

So, when I discovered that we would have to walk down 44 flights of stairs to comply with the fire drill requirements I groaned (who wouldn't right?). Well now I'm doing a lot more groaning; for instance, every time I try to sit down. The deeper the chair the louder the groan!

Don't laugh, but the worst is using the rest room. Who knew we used so many muscles every time we have to pee. I'm in so much pain I won't even go upstairs right now to put on a pair of sweats so I can relax for the rest of my Friday night.

What is the moral of this story? Good question. I've been thinking about it and when it comes to quality of life sometimes it is less painful to be prepared to be "at the top" so to speak. For instance, if I had been exercising my legs more regularly I would not be in the pain I am in right now. The biking and walking and lunges would have prepared my legs for yesterday's fire drill adventure.

Similarly, I find when I am "in the practice" of being intentional about looking after my finances, my home, my friendships: all the glorious things that make me feel "at the top" of life then it doesn't hurt so bad when life happens to bring along its "fire drills of disappointments." The process of walking down the stairs (or being disappointed) remains the same but the after effects don't tend to linger and cripple me.

Hmmmm... something for me to think more about.

Well for those of you whose legs aren't in pain, enjoy walking painlessly today!


PS: My hubby is now sporting 3 stitches on the bridge of his nose and looks "tough". His audience had a good chuckle with him and his agent for the show was so impressed that Derek still did the show! Impressing that agent has been very difficult. So I ask a favorite question: "Is it good or is it bad?" I'll let you be the judge of that. :-) - C

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can a broken nose be good for an entertainer...

Ok, so I get a call tonight at 10:05pm. It's my husband. He's just been at the airport visiting with his Mom, Grandma and Sister (he's an amazing guy I know). In a rush to get his wallet he walked headlong into a revolving door and yup you guessed it...bloody and broken nose.

He was calling from the emergency room where he will spend the next couple of hours while he waits for the doctors final verdict and hopefully some advice for how to bring down the swelling. Why is that so important you might be wondering. My husband is an entertainer. He had a show tonight and will have another one tomorrow morning at 11:00am.

In keeping with the theme of my blog - the reason this is part of my wonderful life is this little secret. You can always find something to be grateful for. Truth be told, I'm so happy that his Mom and Sister are sitting with him in emergency and that I was woken up to write about it. I am learning to grow into the knowledge and wisdom that sometimes there is nothing I can do to make it better. In the past I would have wanted to fix this, but in reality there is not much I can do. In the past I would have blamed myself for somehow not being there, but the joy of this situation reminds me that I am not all powerful, I could not have caused or prevented this. Finally, I can let go and let someone bigger than me take care of the man I love. That my friends is peace.

Watch for pictures (I hope to snap a couple tomorrow!)

May you find peace in your own growth and enjoy your wonderful life. - Warmly, Cicilia

Monday, October 13, 2008

My 1st Post Ever

Hi world! I cannot belive I actually get a chance to write what I think and share it with the world.

I am visiting my family in Colorado right now and as you can tell the name of this blog is "My Wonderful Life Secrets." What secrets can I share with you today about living a wonderful life?

Great quesiton. I recommend spending time with the ones you love. Play together, laugh together, talk to one another about nothing or the things that really matter. All - in - all fill your life with love and treasure those "magic moments" that come along.

That said, I'm going to go outside and play with my 2.5 year old niece and soak up the sun with her and my sister and my Kathy mom (I'll tell you that story some other time).


PS - here are the results - a good time had by all!