Thursday, November 5, 2009

I haven't blogged since June - Yikes!

Well it is almost Christmas (Nov 5th today) and I realized today that it has been nearly six months since I wrote down the nuggets of wisdom I am learning in life.

At home with an arm injury I sit here thinking through what I want to say about life, love, and finding that sense of Peace we look for during the holidays.

What can I say, right now my peace comes from being tied to God and his purpose and design for my life. Does it make my life easy? Heck no. But I am beginning to learn how it makes my life have a greater sense of meaning and joy

So that is my encouragement to anyone who reads this. Find the joy in tying your shoelaces to Jesus' shoe laces and discover what that can bring in your life.



Jinny said...

I was missing your posts. That was a nice nugget of learned wisdom, thanks. :)

Debra Rogers said...

Welcome back!