Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I just had to share this!

I just have to post and share this! Those of you who have been following me know that I am working on discovering a new kind of wonderful when it comes to food right?

Well, let me share with you the support of all the wonderful women in my life whom I told yesterday I was going to spend the next 3 months getting fit!

Good for you! Good luck!

Good for you - I swear my bootcamp is really great – I am sure there is one in your area – they go at 6am or 6pm from 2-5 days a week – your choice.

Good for you…I did BFL and it was surprisingly easy to follow and is not like a cleanse where you are totally restricted. The work outs are relatively easy and you can do most of them at home.
It takes 21 days to break a habit…after that you are golden!!

I am so proud of you!!!
As Holiday season is probably the toughest …. When you get through this one … you know you can get through anything!!
My friend Adriano tells me he is doing “Body for Life”
You can count on me to help keep you on track … I need to follow your lead when it comes to exercise.
I stopped for various reasons and keep saying I’ll go back … and I know I will … it’s a matter of what is holding me back….
Kudos to you!!

Way to go! Good for you. I’ve just been on the site and it looks very interesting….Have you just started or have you been on the program for a while? If you get any more energy than you already have, my god, there will be no keeping up to you

I will be praying for you as you work on this commitment - I know how hard this stuff is to stick to.

Best of luck to you on this!
They say to tell the world - so world I am going to get fit in the next 12 weeks. I'm doign body for life (www.bodyforlife.com) and I want to fit into my ski pants (my major goal) by Feb. 28th. Yipeeee!

Thanks for listening!


1 comment:

Jonathan said...

sounds like a good site I will have to check it out!