Ok, so I get a call tonight at 10:05pm. It's my husband. He's just been at the airport visiting with his Mom, Grandma and Sister (he's an amazing guy I know). In a rush to get his wallet he walked headlong into a revolving door and yup you guessed it...bloody and broken nose.
He was calling from the emergency room where he will spend the next couple of hours while he waits for the doctors final verdict and hopefully some advice for how to bring down the swelling. Why is that so important you might be wondering. My husband is an entertainer. He had a show tonight and will have another one tomorrow morning at 11:00am.
In keeping with the theme of my blog - the reason this is part of my wonderful life is this little secret. You can always find something to be grateful for. Truth be told, I'm so happy that his Mom and Sister are sitting with him in emergency and that I was woken up to write about it. I am learning to grow into the knowledge and wisdom that sometimes there is nothing I can do to make it better. In the past I would have wanted to fix this, but in reality there is not much I can do. In the past I would have blamed myself for somehow not being there, but the joy of this situation reminds me that I am not all powerful, I could not have caused or prevented this. Finally, I can let go and let someone bigger than me take care of the man I love. That my friends is peace.
Watch for pictures (I hope to snap a couple tomorrow!)
May you find peace in your own growth and enjoy your wonderful life. - Warmly, Cicilia
Like last year didn't even happen...
10 years ago
Better than a broken hand or leg I guess...poor D! And yes, you will go on my links soon...I have a lot of people to put on there yet! hehe
Oh, NO! I hope you'll be including updates on the D-nose dilemma. Tell him we're praying for him.
BTW, I just subbed via Bloglines so can check on your new blog easily.
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