Ok, ok, I know it's been a million years (ok a month and 1/2) since I posted.
So sorry! The reason is because I've been having waaaaaaay too much fun using Skype with my family and friends. For those of you who havce not ever "skyped" (is that a new verb?)it is transforming my communication with my family and friends.
For instance. Derek had a show in Kananaskis 2 weekends ago. Using the internet and skype I was able to play a game of chinese checkers with my brother-in-law in South Carolina and my sister in Colorado while chatting with my sister in Nebraska.
Crazy eh? Last night my sister and I caught up and I was able to chat with my 3 year old niece who is too cute for words. It felt like I was right in their living room sharing a nice cup of tea while we chatted.
Thank GOD for technology. I'm closer to my familiy than ever.
So there is one of my wonderful life secrets - get skype! www.skype.com
Like last year didn't even happen...
10 years ago