Hi everyone,
Believe it or not I truly am learning a new kind of wonderful as I change my thinking around food. I am on day 3 if you can believe it of loving myself from the inside out with good nutrition and healthy excercise.
Here are some quotes that are helping me along the way.
1) Are you willing to change how you think about this issue?
There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. -- Napolean Hill
2) Where is God when I am hurting?
O Son of God to right my lot,
Naught but thy Presence can avail
Yet on the road thy wheels are not,
Nor on the sea thy sail!
My "how" or "when" thou wilt not heed,
But come down thine own secret stair,
That thou may'st answer all my need,
Yea, every bygone prayer.
- From "That Holy Thing" by George MacDonald
I love this poem because it says God cares and is present to our every need but not like we think. His answers do not come to use in response to our "why God?" "when God?" almost imature questions of a huge and loving God. His answers come his own way, but still he desires to meet all of our needs!
3) I am learning the fundamental question of all of life and sprituality...If God is love what is my answer to the question "Do you want to be loved?"
My soul screams yes, and so it becomes easier to treat myself with love, this thought has been a chief thought in changing my mind about food, myself, and personal integrity.
Thanks for listening in!
Wishing you a wonder-filled day!
Like last year didn't even happen...
10 years ago